Thursday, March 22, 2012

Interview As Art



1. What was your first work of art and how old were you?
In fact it was not a work of art, since I was like 5 years old I used to draw a lot and made it good for that age, I have a very special memory of a drawing I made of the human respiratory system, I did from my book without trace, although the result seems rather an alien hidroencefalico, my mother was dying of laughter and show it to everyone who visited the house
2. What did you do for fun when you were a teenager?
I used to watch t.v. a lot!!, tracking all my favorites singer and actor, find out the lyrics of English songs and white them on my scrapbook, I loved to make mix’tapes from radio, used to play valleyball.  In terms of crafts I began to experiment with  painting on cloth and postcards making.

3. What and when was your first job?

My first job was at a ceramics tiles, kitchen and bathroom shop, as I was 21 years.

4. What was your first work that really pleased you as an artist?
I’ve been into so many craft is difficult  to say, in everyone of them I’ve been proud when after so much effort I find myself making some improvement, like lately, anything that comes out of my workbench…without melt it down… makes my day :-)

5. Who was the first artist to influence you?

Localy, finishing my career in Interior Design I met two teachers (Dominicans) who taught me the most captivating part of the art, they are the architect Gustavo Ubri  and the Interior and plastic artist Marianela Jimenez.  From the first I learned how complex, chaotic, interesting and rewarding it can be the designing process and from the second I knew the artistic/aestetic side of artcrafts and the different fine arts techniques as well.  

6. Has your work gone up in price compared to when you first started?
No really, too soon to say.

7. Where do you get your ideas?

I’ve just realized I’m very dual when it comes from designing, I like to experiment with forms and geometric shapes but also with organic shapes found in nature.


8.  Do you think that there are any art movements now?
Yes indeed,  we can identify clearly an worldwilde nature conservansy, recycle movement . In my country I got to say  more and more artist from different areas are using their skills to express discontent about social and political issues.
9. What is your favorite color?
Red, purple,  autum colors well,  deep inside I like them all.
10. Do you do all your own work, or do you have people working for you?
Just being myself by now.

11. What kind of toys do you have?
My DRSL camera, tools, silver and stones are my toys now, and the botanic garden and workbench are my playground! :-)
12.  Do you have any habits you’d like to kick?
Mmmmmm…. Let me think… walking barefoot  maybe but it feels so good!, or maybe drinking too much coffee… oh well who Am I trying to fool!?
13. Do you play any games?
I used to play Farmville and Cityville, now I don’t have the time, should  I feel ashamed? :-p 

 14. How old were you when you got your driver’s license and is there a story attached to it?
I Think I was 23, don’t remember,  nothing worth telling but I just drive automatic.
15. How much time do you spend on the computer?

Much more that want sometimes,  between editing photos, updating my pages, Pinterest jajaja No much time left!  I wish I could have more time or spend it more efficiently.

16. Do you watch TV, (if so, what are your favorites?)
I have periods of watching to much (tv series addict) , I used to watch Heroes, Dr. House, Brothers & Sisters, and watching none like now.

17. What do you eat?

A mix of tradicional Dominican dishes and Italian food. I’m a veggie lover.

18. Do you believe in flying saucers

Maybe yes, maybe not, I'm not totally convinced.

19. Do you believe in magic?

I believe int the magic of nature, Life itself is magic.

20. Do you look in the mirror when you get up?

Now that you aswer I realize I don’t  jajaja,  just before going out, that is enough for me.

21. Do you think the world can be saved?

From what? From ourselves? Tough work!

22. Do you think there should be censorship?
Well, it is difficult to answer, I would prefer no, this times are more and more difficult to know what is right and what is wrong, to get the ‘’healthy balance’’.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Interview As Art (in French and English)

1. What was your first work of art and how old were you?
peut-être un petit pot de terre, monté en colombins avec la glaise du jardin...sinon je me souviens d'un dessin
de terrier de petits animaux sous un arbre...un début de mon intérêt pour les espaces à vivre et à dé et boîte, ma passion...
Maybe a small earthenware pot,made with the clay of the garden, otherwise I remember a drawing of den of small
animals under a tree beginning of my interest for living areas and to discover... house and box, my passion...
2. What did you do for fun when you were a teenager?
écouter et chanter sur les Beatles... plutôt retro...déjà sérieuse...

Listen to and sing on Beatles rather retro already serious...
3. What and when was your first job?
quand j'avais 17 ans, je faisais les visites guidées du Musée et de la Cité Médiévale de Pérouges... 

When I was 17 years old, I did the conducted tours of the Museum and the Medieval City of Pérouges...
4. What was your first work that really pleased you as an artist?
le premier croquis de modèle vivant que j'ai réussi...

The first sketch of model living that I made a success...
5. Who was the first artist to influence you?
Léonard de Vinci
6. Who were your favorite movie stars growing up?
John Wayne and then Harrison Ford and then Tommy Lee Jones...what does it mean?
7. What were your favorite TV shows growing up?
Cosmos 1999, Invaders, Logan's Run, The Twilight Zone, Magnum ...Born Free and BBC animals shows and french one called "Caméra au poing", etc...
8. Has your work gone up in price compared to when you first started?
oui, le temps passé sur une pièce ne peut pas toujours être oublié... à un moment on ne peut plus se dire qu'on
a perdu du temps, il faut admettre que c'est la qualité qui l'exige, et cela a un prix. En même temps je recherche la qualité des matériaux à côté de l'argile polymère.
Yes, the past on a piece cannot be forgotten always... at the moment one cannot say to himself more that he
wasted time, it is necessary to admit that it is the quality which needs it, and it has a price. At the same time I look for quality materials besides the polymer clay...
9. Where do you get your ideas?
Je dévore toutes les images que je trouve...avant dans les livres, maintenant je continue
livres+internet...toutes les formes d'expressions artistiques visuelles m'intéressent, avec une nette préference pour le dessin, BD/comics, la photo et le design d'objets... l'architecture a fini de m'intéresser sauf quand il s'agit de Grands projets.
Tout cela crée un vocabulaire dans ma tête, je sais ce que j'aime et pourquoi... par contre la couleur est
toujours une pièce rapportée, réfléchie après par rapport au sens... je crois que je ne pense pas en couleurs... mais j'aime la couleur! C'est juste que ce n'est pas ce qui est le plus important pour moi.
Après, c'est l'envie de faire quelque chose de bien défini qui me guide...
Par exemple pour le collier "Tourbillon" je venais de dévorer un livre sur BOUCHERON, et ce qui revenait sans arrêt était la transformation des bijoux, soit radicalement soit par mécanisme...comme le thème était "l'avenir" et que je suis très "Bio" avec de nombreuses discussions en tête sur le sujet, tout cela aboutit à la biodynamie, au tourbillon et à un collier transformable...
Voilà comment je trouve mes idées...
I "eat" all the images which I find before in books, now I continue books+internet
All the forms of visual artistic expressions interest me, with a préference for the drawing, the COMICS, the
photo and the design of objects. The architecture stopped interesting me except when it is about Big projects. All this create a vocabulary in my head, I know what I like and why. On the other hand the color is always a brought back, thoughtful part, later with regard to the sense, I believe that I do not think in colors but I like the color! It is just that it is not what what is the most important for me. Later, it is the envy to make something well defined which guides me...
For example for the necklace "Whirlwind" I had just read a book on BOUCHERON, and what returned non-stop was the transformation of jewels, radically or by mechanism.... As the theme was " the future " and as I am very "Organic" with numerous discussions in head about the subject, all this ends in the biodynamie, in the whirlwind and in the convertible necklace...
Here is how I find my ideas...
10. Who do you think is the best business artist in the world?
Tous ceux qui arrivent à vivre de leur Art... Les grands chefs de cuisine par exemple...

All those who manage to live on their Art... The very media Chief of cooking for example...
11. Do you think that there are any art movements now?
Ce qui revient beaucoup...
Le mouvement/sa décomposition, en plus de la 3D/trompe l'oeil, avec également un aspect romantique/enfantin/naïf
de la mécanique... qui donne ce Mouvement...
Illusion de la Vie avec les trompe l'oeil(dessin, peinture, photo...) qui peuvent être toutes ces planches
d'études de plantes qui sont de nouveau à la mode... et en même temps la simplification de ces formes organiques qui nous envahissent comme des ombres portées sur tous les supports verticaux : tissus, papiers peints stickers
le mouvement mécanique donne t'il la vie? La décomposition et le dessin du mouvement image/image anime -t'il?
C'est un peu Frankenstein... la technique donne-t'il la vie ou la falsifie-t'il, la remplace-t'il?...
Peur ou recherche du Faux, illusion / réalité
What comes a lot...
The movement, its decomposition, besides the 3D / "trompe l'oeil", with also a romantic / childish / naive aspect of the mechanics which gives this Movement... Illusion of the Life with "trompe l'œil" (drawing, painting, photo) who can be all these boards of studies of plants which are fashionable again and at the same time the simplification of these organic forms which invade us as shadows... concerned all the vertical supports: fabrics, stickers wallpapers
Does the mechanical movement give the life? Does The decomposition and the drawing of the movement "image / image"
liven up?
It is a little Frankenstein...
Does the technique give you the life or falsifies it, replaces it?...
Fear or search for fake, illusion VS reality...

12. Do you think kids should get grants to decorate subways?
ça dépend...j'apprécie le respect par dessus tout...
It depends... I apprecie the respect by top everything...

13. Have you or anyone you know been involved in street art?
J'ai failli faire la décoration d'une palissade de chantier à l'école. Par la suite j'ai côtoyé un artiste qui a fait une fresque sur le mur de clôture d'un boulevard de Lyon, France. Le dessin suivait les dénivelés et un niveau de la mer fictif sur le thème du sport, c'était géant...
pas de street art.
I almost made the decoration of a fence of construction site with the school. Afterward I knew an artist who made a fresco on the enclosing wall of a boulevard of Lyon, France. The drawing followed the made uneven and a fictitious sea level on the theme of the sport, it was huge..
no street art.
14. Do you ever think about politics?
quand on insiste pour que j'y pense... changement des taxes etc...
When they insist so that I think of it...change of taxes etc....
15. What is your favorite color?
it changes... green, brown, gold, silver, grey, all colours...can't find one i don't like... but all are not for me to be worn.

16. Do you do all your own work, or do you have people working for you?
Alone i am...
17. Do you have an interest in films or video?
oui, il permet d'avoir une échelle des choses ainsi qu'un poids, ça peut permettre de se rendre compte de comment sont les objets à l'autre bout du monde!
Sinon je suis très cinéma mais c'est avant tout un métier la vidéo!
Yes, it allows to have a scale of things as well as a weight, that can allow to realize of How are objects in the other end of the world!
Otherwise I love movies but video is above all a job!

18. What kind of toys do you have?
Aucun, depuis bien longtemps... ou alors le pc mais sans les jeux, et le mobile sans les jeux...dessiner pour mon boulot a été un grand jeu... de construction... maintenant c'est cassé... je m'en organise un autre chez moi comme je peux avec une nouvelle activité familiale qui est loin d'être un jeu.
None, since a long time or then the pc but without the games, and the mobile without the games..
to draw for my job was a big game but now it is broken, I get organized another one to me as I can with a family activity which is far from being a game.
19. Do you have any habits you’d like to kick?
Trop réfléchir et pas assez faire... trop parler pendant le service à l'auberge...trop sérieuse...même si je ris beaucoup!
Too much think and not enough make, too much speak in the kitchen during the setting at the be too serious, even if I laugh a lot!
20. What do you do when you’re not working?
Family life...
21. Do you play any games?
with my children, sometimes.
23. What time do you go to bed and what time do you get up (most of the time.)
couchée 23h et levée 7h, heureusement je récupère pendant les vacances des gosses, j'ai besoin de dormir beaucoup... une petite anomalie quelque part certainement!
Slept 11pm and raised 7 am. fortunately I can sleep during the holidays of the kids, I need to sleep a lot, a small anomaly somewhere certainly!
24. How much time do you spend on the computer?
trop! et c'est addictif... il faut le dire!
Too much! And it is addictif it is necessary to say it!
25. Do you watch TV, (if so, what are your favorites?)
oui je regarde trop la TV, mais ça m'aide à faire le vide! et donc à dormir après!
;-))) les séries policières, science fiction... rien de voyeur, pas de musique, les cd ont pris la place...
Yes I look too much at the TV, but that helps me to make the space! And thus to sleep! ;-))) the police series, the science fiction, nothing with voyeurism, no music show, cd took the place...
26. What do you eat?
Essentiellement les produits bio de notre ferme ou d'autres producteurs amis. J'ai un mari cuisinier qui me gâte et me régale même avec une salade de l'huile du vinaigre du sel et du poivre... l'assaisonnement, un bon produit et c'est toujours excellent!
J'ai banni le blé de mon alimentation, même si son pain est trop délicieux avec du fromage de brebis!!!!
Essentially the organic products of our farm or the other friendly producers. I have a husband cook who treats me even with a salad, the oil, the vinegar, the salt and the pepper: the seasoning, a good product and it is always excellent! I banished the wheat of my food, even if his bread is too delicious with the ewe cheese!!!!

27. Do you believe in flying saucers?
Oh que oui! vivement qu'on trouve où ils sont! je suis sure que nous pourrions partager un endroit et qui
sait... préserver notre bonne vieille planète bleue...
Oh yes! Deeply that we find where they are! I am sure that we could share a place and who knows, how to protect our good old blue planet...;-)))
28. Do you believe in magic?
en la science et la poèsie...
Yes, In the science and the poetry...
29. Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?
i don't know, nobody told me...
30. Do you look in the mirror when you get up?
oui mais j'ai peu de lumière, alors je ne me vois pas... économie d'énergie...
Yes but I have not enough light, then I do not see myself... energy saving...
31. Do you think the world can be saved?
Yes if THEY help us!
32. Do you think there should be censorship?